Wednesday, October 26, 2016

FYP2 - Week 5

For this project, there are 2 main circuit that need to be focused on which is the battery charging circuit and the inverter circuit. the battery charging circuit as the name implied is use to charge the battery and protect the battery from overload. the charging circuit also control the input use to charge the battery as it will use slow charging cycle to protect the battery. The inverter circuit needed to invert the DC voltage to AC voltage.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

FYP2 - Week 4

For this project the main component is the Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) that will be use to convert heat to electricity. Thermoelectric generator systems are one promising option to face the needs for reducing energy consumption and environmental protection. The efficiency for this system is depends on the  temperature difference between the hot and cold parts in the thermocouples. The hot part of the generator located on a suspended plate for reducing the heat-sink. Image result for thermoelectric generator

Image result for thermoelectric generator

Thursday, October 13, 2016

FYP2 - Week 3

A research regarding new title need to be prepared as the time have been shorten from 1 year to half year. A lot of study has been reported on the thermoelectric power generator. Thermoelectric power generator will directly convert of waste heat energy into electrical power where it is unnecessary to consider the cost of the thermal energy input thus showing it potential to be alternative green technology.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

FYP2 - Week 2

In this proposal paper, a thermoelectric generator device is used to introduce a way for humans to create renewable energy by using a natural heat from hot water (hot spring) to generate the electricity. Renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, or hydropower is preferred but it has limited use and is dependent on weather and topography making them insufficient for wider usage. The reason for choosing this title for the project is because this project has more use compare than previous title.