Wednesday, December 14, 2016

FYP2 - Week 11

Title - flow chart

This is the flow chart of Development of Thermoelectric Power System for Renewable Energy project. Firstly, the heat from the hot water will flow into the aluminium foil (system) and straightly generate the electricity. Then, the voltage that produced will directly flow to the charging circuit. Next, the battery voltage is being detected to determine the status of the battery whether it is full or not. If not, the voltage that produced by the system will flow to battery charger hence charge the battery. There are only two conditions needed to be understood for this project. If the battery is less than 12V, the red LED is on and the green LED is off. The battery keeps on charging if the battery voltage is less than 12V and if battery voltage is over than 12V, then the battery will stop charging thus changing red LED to off and green LED to on condiotion. After that, if switch for the inverter circuit is turned ON, the battery energy will flow into the inverter circuit hence converting the voltage from DC voltage to AC voltage. Next, the transformer will step up the output voltage from 12V AC to 240V AC. After that, the socket outlet is ready to be used. 

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